December 21st, 2023

Explore More in 2024 at North Star Mohican Casino Resort!

North Star Mohican Casino Resort is happy to bring in props for our Explore More in 2024 promotion! We invite our guests to “explore” North Star Mohican Casino Resort this holiday season as we have set up various locations around the casino floor. Our locations include; New York, Europe, Key West, Las Vegas, Alaska, and Egypt. We ask that our guests are courteous while admiring the props and taking pictures. We have rented these from Zap Props Near Chicago. They will be leaving January 3,2024 so be sure to stop out and Explore More!

While enjoying our props be sure to strike a pose and share on social media. Tag North Star @northstarcasino help us build our reach #northstarcasino. We hope to see you here!

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